I got some great pictures of Caroline being Caroline and fully enjoying it.
Then I saw pictures of babies in bows. Caroline has a dresser drawer full of bows that she never wears. I thought, "These pictures are great but how about a few dressed up?" Here's how that experiment went down…
"Uhhh, Mama? You know I don't wear bows."
"Yeah, this thing is coming off in approximately 7 seconds."
"Grrrr….Mama makes me so mad. Just wait until she gets that frizzy hair within my grasp. She will pay for this bow incident. "
"Bwahahaha! Victory is miiiiiine!!"
As I am unsuccessfully taking these staged, bow pictures, I notice how toys have taken over my living room. This room used to look nice. There wasn't always towels piled in the chair or blocks strewn across the floor, or a giant baby yoga mat in the center of the room. If you look closely, you can also see a brown Newfie on the leather couch- now, she has been a permanent fixture. I started feeling frustrated with myself…and then it hit me. I can spend time filtering my life or I can actually enjoy what is in front of me. I didn't get any good pictures of Caroline in a bow, but I got some great pictures of her being her and that's all that matters.
Embracing transparency involves living an unfiltered life. I will keep focusing on the good things but I want the good to be genuine and not manufactured. Yes, I want my house to look nice along with the people in it, but mainly I want to spend each minute enjoying life with these people. My people.